Michelle & Alice Tanner - Rotary

Congratulations to Michelle and her daughter Alice Tanner for working hard helping for the Rotary Club. They have been learning signing at my class for the last 2 years. They have other daughter Harriette, she and Alice are still attending my classes.

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  • risus et neque varius accumsan id vel lorem.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Certificates and prerequisites

To enter Level 1b you must have completed Level 1a. If you have not completed the previous level with me, I will need to assess your NZSL skills to ensure you can cope with the next level.  If you attended previous levels with another teacher, I will need to see proof of your attendance.  This is could be a certificate or letter from your previous teacher. The other option would be a one-to-one assessment for me to see your NZSL skills.

Is Sign Language the same worldwide?

No. It’s the same as spoken languages, there are many throughout the world. While some countries may have similar signs, no two are exactly the same. For example, NZ Sign Language (NZSL) and Australian Sign Language (Auslan) are both based on British Sign Language (BSL) but there are differences.

How much are private catch up classes?

It depends on the number of people who will be joining the private session. Generally, if it’s one person, it’s $40/hr. If there are 2 people, the cost is $35/person/hr etc.

Is learning NZSL hard?

It’s the same as any other language, just more visual. To ensure you succeed, you should regular attend all the classes in a term and complete the homework that is assigned each week.

How many people are in a community class?

It depends on the level. For Level 1a, the minimum number of students is 16. For other levels is can go down to 12 students.

Is my Teacher Deaf?

Yes. It is important to learn from a qualified Deaf Teacher. A Deaf Teacher also teaches about the Deaf community and culture. Learning about the Deaf community and culture is an important part of learning NZSL.

If I miss this term, I can just enrol next term, right?

Maybe not. Altogether I provide 12 levels of class over a 3-year period. Depending on demand, some classes will be repeated next term, but for my level 2 and 3 classes especially, it may only be offered once a year. For example, this year I am teaching Level 2a in Term 1 so most likely will not offer it again until Term 1 next year. To move up to the next level a student has to have attended 80% of the classes in a term or made arrangements with me to have private lessons to catch up.

How much are classes?

I currently charge from $130 to $200 for Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced. Costs would be different depends on locations.

Is there an age limit for class?

Yes. I have students as young as 12 or 13. If a student is 14 or younger, then a parent/guardian or older sibling must enrol in the class, and attend, with the young person. There needs to be a responsible adult with them in class.

How many people are in a class for business?

I work with businesses and will usually require a 12-person minimum to run a private class. The more people there are, the cheaper the rate per person. If I am travelling to teach a class, there may be travel costs involved too. Please contact me so we can work out the best option for your business.

Still have questions?

If you have a question that you can't find the answer to,
please use that contact us page.